The morning edition of the Nikkei Shimbun was able to take it up. The article that ice battery is adopted by the Indian national enterprise is placed in a topic…
The morning edition of the Nikkei Shimbun was able to take it up. The article that ice battery is adopted by the Indian national enterprise is placed in a topic…
A collaboration between Container Corporation of India Limited (CONCOR) and "Innovation Thru Energy™" (ITE) from Japan. CONCOR, a Navratna Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) under the Ministry of Railways, Government…
IceBattery® was introduced in an article, – a revolution breaks out on cold chain logistics carries medicine and food to the world.
Publishes in Daily Cargo Transport and Logistics News.
Daily Cargo talks about IceBattery® ECO friendly preservation system.
Daily Cargo Transport and Logistic News published this.
Daily Cargo talks about IceBattery® ECO friendly preservation system in 2011.
The IceBattery® published in Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun is a Japanese daily newspaper.